Sustaining Vision: Abram Keeps Going

September 20, 2012

If the birth of a vision is an awareness of being seen by God, responding to him in worship and receiving his promise that we have a role in his emerging reign, then sustaining vision an extended period of working-the-time-of-waiting. God has used an extended time of waiting for many leader to prepare them for the […]

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The Birth of Vision: Abram Goes

September 18, 2012

1YHWH said to Avram: Go-you-forth from your land,  from your kindred,  from your father’s house,  to the land I will let you see.  2I will make a great nation of you  and will give-you-blessing and will make your name great. Be a blessing! -Genesis 12:1, The Five Books of Moses, The Schocken Bible, Volume I. […]

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Where are we Going?

September 17, 2012

The Great Commission narratives either directly state to “go” or to “be sent,” but from where to where? I am beginning to see the entire Bible can be viewed through the missional lens of “going” or “being sent.” In the first eleven chapters of Genesis, God send humans out five times to “multiply, fill the earth and […]

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Spiritual Formation through the Lens of the Great Commission?

September 12, 2012

Could it be possible to create a model for spiritual formation based upon the Great Commission? Go with the Holy Spirit: Proclaiming, making disciples, being a witness, and forgiving. There is something in me that doesn’t like formulas when it comes to spiritual formation, but I have seen the gospel internalized in myself and others […]

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Building a Tower

September 10, 2012

Noah’s descendants were to fill the earth and divide into nations, but they didn’t get very far. God had repeatedly instructed the humans to “multiply, fill the earth and subdue it,” but instead they settled in a valley, built a city and a tower in order to “make for ourselves a name lest we be […]

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The Restart

September 5, 2012

After Cain travels into the land of wandering, the situation gets worse. Humans fill the earth and subdue it with their own wickedness instead of God’s reign. God’s heart is deeply grieved at seeing an earth filled with violence and looked to restart. God identified one righteous man through whom to start over. After the […]

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The Land of Wandering

September 4, 2012

The first family are now east of Eden and get down to the business of filling the earth. Cain and Abel are born, farmer and rancher, respectively. Each makes an offering to God but Cain’s offering does not find favor with God and he kills Abel over it. The Second sin is a tragic outworking […]

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In the Middle of Eden

September 3, 2012

Why was there a forbidden tree in Eden and why was it in the middle right next to the Tree of Life? If Adam and Eve are given the command to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it then why are still near the middle of the garden in Genesis 3? Where they really expected to leave Eden […]

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A Composite View of the Great Commission?

August 29, 2012

How do we process what we read about the Great Commission in each of the gospel in light of each other? 1. Are we to treat each great commission passage like a unique puzzle piece to be fit with the others so that we are able to see the entire picture? 2. Is each gospel […]

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August 28, 2012

The first command to humanity from God, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.” Ever noticed the similarity between the Great Commission and the first command? The Great Commission (Matthew’s Version), “Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and […]

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