The Necessary No

November 1, 2012

One of the fastest growing churches in America uses a picture of an empty chair with the saying, “If you’re not on mission with us, we need your seat.” Another church asks church members to sign a pledge card every year and actively directs participants who aren’t willing to make a pledge every year to […]

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Competative Analysis

November 1, 2012

What do you think is competing with your church’s ministry? The other church down the street with better preaching, music, or programming? Sunday sports? Business? Exhaustion? Poverty? The enemy? Whatever your answer, the key to a competitive analysis of your church ministry is a crystal clear vision. You can start this journey of understanding by […]

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Welcome to my Blog

October 29, 2012

Welcome to my blog! I’m Mike Gammill and this blog is about the many ways that vision clarity intersects my life. As a Lead Navigator for Auxano, I navigate leaders through growth challenges with vision clarity. Clarity isn’t everything but it changes everything. Vision Clarity posts discuss the intersection between leadership and vision clarity. Scripture posts reflect on […]

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Gary McIntosh on Church Turnaround

October 29, 2012

I recently heard Gary McIntoch speak on five ways to begin a church turnaround: Redefine reality. This usually means we bring clarity of vision to the church. We must show them the situation they are really in. We have to help them see it themselves so that they begin to take on the passion to […]

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Dr. George Hunter at Turnaround 2020

October 26, 2012

Dr. George Hunter III made these three points about church turnaround last week in Nashville: 1. God’s revealed ultimate concerns is the world (not the church). 2. God raised up the church to be his mission for the world. 3. The world is the theater of the laity, if it doesn’t happen in the world, […]

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Church Pilgrimage?

October 25, 2012

I have only looked for a church a couple times in my life. I attended the same great church until I left for college. After that, I was either in seminary or on staff in a church. Now as I launch into a my calling as a Lead Navigator and am no longer on staff […]

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Vision: How we See Others

October 19, 2012

Abram is focussed on his vision and has “believed” God, but this doesn’t stop him from making a contingency plan in chapter 16. The decision to take Hagar as a surrogate for Sarai is predictably tragic. We think Abram should know better than this, but we are all tempted to change the rules when we […]

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Vision: Belief and Righteousness

October 12, 2012

After saving Lot, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield; your reward will be very great” Genesis 15:1. Abram had just successfully flexed his leadership muscles. He gathered his fighting men and created an alliance with other leaders to rescue his uncle […]

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Vision: Alliances

October 2, 2012

It seems no sooner that Lot has settled down in the city of Sodom that he becomes a casualty in a local fight. One group of kings rose up against another and Lot is taken away in captivity. Abram gathers his fighting men and attacks the enemy camp at night, freeing all who were captured in the […]

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Sustaining Vision, Growing in Responsibility.

September 27, 2012

Abram returns from Egypt to the land he had been promised and calls upon the name of the Lord at the places of worship he had previously built. While the famine that drove them to Egypt is apparently over, the herds of his house and the herds of his uncle’s house have grown too great for them […]

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